Alison Lo

Alison Lo is a fantastic student leader on the UW campus and I am lucky to get to work with her on a daily basis. I met Alison in the Spring of 2014 when she was in my RA class and even then, I could tell that she was poised to be a difference maker and leader at the University of Washington. She has successfully maximized much of her time here on campus and as a Resident Adviser this year. Alison balances her work as an RA and her academic and personal life so effortlessly. She is able to dedicate time and be present with residents, her peers, and her supervisor when needed, but also has an innate ability to still maintain her identify as a student and a friend to many during her busy life. Alison provides great support to the residents that live on her floor and facilitates great programs that foster community building within her community. Alison has also been a rock on our staff as one of the few returning RAs. She has been such a fantastic resource to her peers with regards to policy enforcement and community engagement. She provides thoughtful advice that her fellow RAs greatly appreciate. Thank you, Alison for being such a positive contributor to our staff in so many ways! I am excited to see where the rest of your UW journey takes you.

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