Cassandra Wright

Cassandra has worked on my Resident Adviser staff for the 2015-16 academic year and has done some phenomenal work during this time. She absolutely deserves recognition. Cassandra does a great job connecting with all of her residents and the RA staff in McMahon Hall. She has been dealt some tough cards with students this year and has handled many difficult situations with professionalism and grace. She also works hard to put on great programming opportunities for her residents that live on her floor. Another area of the RA job that Cassandra excels in is offering support to her fellow RA staff. She is consistently stepping up to help her peers out which is great to see as a supervisor. I am so lucky that I get to work with Cassandra. I am excited to see what she does to maximize her UW career over the next couple of years. Thank you, Cassandra, I appreciate all of the work you have done to make McMahon a great community to live and work in.

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